Making sure your voice is heard
We understand how important it is to have a voice in decisions that affect you and your home. bpha offers different opportunities for you to have your say, and we want to make sure we have this right.
We’ve been reviewing our opportunities for you to get involved and are making some changes, including introducing new ways to do this. We would like to know whether these opportunities are the right way for you to share your views and influence services delivered to you.
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You can choose to get involved in a way that works for you
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Benefits to getting involved
You will get to learn new skills, access training and attend national housing events where you can network with other residents. Alongside this we offer voucher incentives and cover expenses.
You can choose to get involved in a way that works for you. including a mixture of digital and face to face sessions.
Find out more
If you want to make a difference and help shape the future of customer engagement at bpha, get in touch with the customer engagement team, you can email CustomerVoice@bpha.org.uk, go onto our engagement portal The Place, or call 0330 100 0272 and one of the team and we’ll get back to you.