Estates maintenance update
Recently we changed the contractor who maintain our estates and unfortunately this hasn’t gone as well as we had planned.
Our new supplier, Just Ask, took over the delivery of our estate maintenance service in April. This includes grass and hedge cutting. Unfortunately, due to a combination of the exceptional growing season and being unable to fill a high number of job vacancies, Just Ask immediately fell behind schedule.
We know that this has affected many of our estates and green spaces and we are very sorry that this has happened, and the impact it has had on the use of those spaces.
A number of customers have contacted us to tell us specifically about their experiences over the last few months. We are sorry that you have had to contact us and thank you for doing so. Your feedback has been valuable, giving us real-time information on the outside spaces, and has enabled us to quickly pass this information on to Just Ask to get things back on track.
We are confident that the contract is improving and we are working with the new contractor to ensure the service they are delivering is up to the standard that both customers and bpha expect.
The majority of sites are now on a regular three-week schedule and, over the summer, Just Ask has been carrying out additional visits to sites at its own cost.
If you have any questions or concerns about the estate maintenance in the area you live in, please get in touch.