Connecting your community
A welcome from bpha’s new CEO
I was delighted to join bpha as its new CEO on 1 May.
It is a privilege to be able to work with you and with the team here at bpha. I am committed to ensuring you receive high standard services, live in good quality, efficient homes and can enjoy your neighbourhoods. It is a responsibility that will continue to drive everyone at bpha.
As I get to know your communities– a few of which I’ve already been able to visit – and your experience of bpha better, I am keen to hear what you think we do well and where we need to improve, and your priorities for your home and your community.
This edition explains some of the ways you can do this, from taking part in our antisocial behaviour review, to becoming an involved customer.
My start at bpha also coincides with the introduction of the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures, another important way for us to understand your experiences and make improvements. You can read more about this new way of collecting your views and ideas here.
I look forward to meeting many of you, listening to your thoughts and sharing progress over the coming months.
Best wishes

Richard Hill Chief Executive
Read about Richard’s experience here.