Connecting your community
Hello and welcome to Talk magazine.
I’m Rachel Mackay, bpha’s Head of Service Improvement. I manage bpha’s Complaints Resolution, Customer Engagement, and Research and Insights Teams. We work across the organisation to help create a culture where customer feedback is actively encouraged and used to continuously review and improve.
In this edition of Talk you’ll find the results of the first full year of your Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey feedback and what happens next.
We often invite you to give us your views - be it to complete a survey, attend an event, or become involved in one of our groups or committees. Dan has been an involved customer for six years – you can read about his experience and what being involved actually means in 'your stories’.
The bpha Complaints Resolution Team has been in place for just over 12 months. In this edition we cover what’s investigated as a complaint and how you log one, including links to more detailed information about the stages we follow to get a satisfactory outcome for all.
I hope that you enjoy the edition.

Rachel Mackay Head of Service Improvement