Your latest feedback and the actions we’re taking

Tenant Satisfaction Measures
The second year of gathering feedback for the Tenant Satisfaction Measures is well under way (April 2024-March 2025) and it’s time for us to share the scores from the first three months with you.
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The way we gather feedback from you is the same as last year, so you could receive a call or email from IFF research. This means we can compare our performance to last year to make sure we’re on track and are improving our services.
We are pleased to see that many of the scores have improved since the end of March. However, we are still making changes to the way we work so hopefully we will see further improvements over time.
An in-depth view
The Research and Insights Team is carrying out more in-depth analysis of the data and is working with our Heads of Service and the new Service Improvement Panel (SIP) to do this.
There is such a wealth of data that we have asked SIP to identify what areas of the feedback they would like prioritised. We will cross reference the feedback with other data, such as other surveys we have carried out, so that we can see the full story of what you are telling us.
Improving our repairs service
Work is underway to improve the response times for repairs. As well as the two new repairs teams we talked about in our Annual TSM results, additional operatives are joining us.
We are also introducing a dedicated team that will focus on maintenance and small repairs that you report to help ensure these can be managed quickly.
Changes to surveying services
We have also taken the opportunity to rethink how our surveying services work.
The new team will have a greater focus on building surveying skills, contract management and stock condition (where we regularly check the condition of the buildings to make sure your homes are safe and we are maintaining them well). This will ultimately improve outcomes for customers by identifying issues at the earliest opportunity so that we can do something about issues before they become a problem.
We have published our first ever Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report that looks at how we are complying with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code and what we’re doing to learn from the complaints and compliments we receive.
It confirms we saw an increase in compliments and decrease in complaints last year, which is great. But it also showed an increase in stage two complaints. You can find out more about this on page eight of the report. This is something we will be looking at over the coming months to see if there are particular areas that are linked to stage two complaints.
We have also recruited another Complaints Resolution Officer to help manage the complaints more efficiently to ensure we find the best solution for all.
Anti-social behaviour
As we explained on the page three, we are changing how we manage anti-social behaviour (ASB).
We have mapped this out; and will be working with SIP and more customers, colleagues and other partners to make sure it works for everyone.
As we mentioned, many of the complaints we receive are noise related so we have been working closely with both Bedford Borough Council and Central Beds Council ASB and Environmental Health teams. Colleagues who work in other boroughs, such as Cambridge, are bringing their experiences to our working groups to help us develop a process that reflects all the areas you live in.
The next step is to work on updating our website and internal systems to help us effectively manage the ASB cases that we receive.
We will be in touch again in a few months’ time with the TSM scores at the halfway point for the year. In the meantime, we will continue to work hard on the areas mentioned above and encourage you to give us your feedback (both good and not so good!).