Money Advice for Independent Living customers
If you live in a bpha Independent Living Scheme and you have any questions or concerns about your finances, you have access to our free and confidential money advice service.
The Money Advice Team works closely with bpha Independent Living Scheme Managers to ensure customers know about the service.
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Talk to the team without judgement and in total confidence
As we get older, the need for care and support may increase. We can discuss this with you to ensure you have the right funds in place to help ensure you can access what you need.
Your scheme manager can put you in touch with one of our Money Advisers or may want to contact them directly. You can find out more getting in touch here.
Your Money Adviser will look at how to maximise your income. That includes checking what benefits you might be entitled to, and creating a plan to manage any debt you may have, including negotiating with creditors.
The team has worked with customers who have lost a partner who used to look after the finances, some who have built up debt, people whose benefit payments have stopped and are unsure why, and customers who just want to make their money go further.
Money Advice Manager, Amanda Ryan, says: “Discussing money can feel awkward and many people avoid it, particularly if they have worries. It can feel as though you’re the only person around you who is struggling, although that won’t be the case. You can talk to my team without judgement and in total confidence. Please do reach out if you’re worried.”