Introducing your Service Improvement Panel
Thank you to 96 customers who applied to join the Service Improvement Panel, it was wonderful to have such a great response and to meet so many of you who took part in the shortlisting activities
We have successfully recruited 10 customers to the panel, made up of a mix of shared owners and tenants.
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Plus, a personal invitation
The Service Improvement Panel formally started on 1 July and already the members have been busy getting to grips with their new role and taking part in their induction programme.
The induction includes shadowing customer facing teams and the Customer Communications Centre, attending community hubs, learning about the housing sector and taking part in customer engagement activity, this will help them to get further understanding of the needs of all customers.
Some of our panel members have already represented bpha customers by attending Housing 24 conference in June and the Tpas national tenant conference in July.
“It was great to attend the Tpas conference and see how the customer voice can really make a difference in helping to shape and improve services for all customers, as well as making sure the need for good quality affordable housing is kept at the top of the political agenda” Ted
Over the next few months the panel will be looking at the Tenant Satisfaction Measures results to identify areas where we can improve that they would like to review and then make recommendations for what we can do differently.
We are planning a customer engagement event where you can find out how you can get involved in helping to shape and improve the services you receive. You will meet some of the new Service Improvement Panel members and colleagues from bpha, who look forward to hearing your feedback, as well as your suggestions for how we can improve.
If you are interested in attending the event and would like to receive your personal invitation, please get in touch with the Customer Engagement Team at customervoice@bpha.org.uk. You can also email us if you’d like to be added to a monthly customer engagement newsletter where you can stay updated about all our opportunities to get involved.
Introducing some members of the Service Improvement Panel







